
Perhaps you have found your way here because you have questions about your life which you are struggling to answer on your own. Maybe something in particular is troubling you, or you just don’t feel quite right. There might be something in your relationships with others that you feel you would like to change, or you may be feeling overwhelmed by life. Take heart; it is often in difficulty that discoveries can be made. Taking time to explore whatever feels ‘wrong’, within the security of a trusting relationship with a therapist, can help guide you to find your own way towards a future which feels more hopeful.

Working together

In our therapeutic relationship, I will provide a space which is free from judgement but full of possibility, where you can explore the difficulty, pain or sadness which brings you here. You will be able to talk about whatever is on your mind, with someone who is there purely to listen to you and be with you as you find your own way forward.

How I can help

There are many reasons why you might feel that therapy would help at this point in your life; issues I can help with include feelings of anxiety, stress, depression or despair. I can also help with feelings of stuck-ness, relationship difficulties, social isolation and bereavement. I work with a wide range of different clients from all kinds of backgrounds.

I have particular expertise in working with young adults, and offer reduced rates for those currently in education. A second area of my expertise is working with neurodivergent clients, both those with a diagnosis and those without. Finally, I have relevant experience to enable me to work with musicians and performers, with an understanding of the challenges of your working lives.

Read more about me, here. You can also find answers to FAQs, and how best to contact me.

Image: 14th c. Chinese bowl; Met Museum, New York

‘To be human is to sing your own song’

Mary Oliver