What can I expect from my sessions?

Your sessions are an opportunity for you to share whatever is on your mind and explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours. You may want to begin by talking about what is going on for you at the moment, or you might have something from the past which you would like to explore. This space to share what is troubling you could feel like all you need - to feel heard, understood and supported without judgement. If you want to, we might also start to consider how your experiences of life so far may contribute to how you feel, think and behave in the way that you do, and reflect on what or how you would like to feel different.

There is no set agenda for our sessions and you can bring whatever you want to share. If you feel you need some structure to shape how we work together, we can talk about this together. Some people like to plan ahead what they are going to talk about; some people just arrive with how they are feeling that day. Both of these approaches are absolutely fine; therapy with me offers the chance to find a way to work that suits your needs.

You should find that you start to feel different as you attend sessions regularly. You might also find that looking at things in another way, or challenging your beliefs about yourself and your life, feels hard. This is a completely normal part of the therapeutic process and we can talk together about any difficulties that you are facing as you engage with therapy.

What happens in the first session?

Our first session is a chance for both of us to find a bit out about each other and for you to ask any questions that you have about working together. I will ask you a few questions about your personal circumstances and what has brought you to seek therapy, and you can share whatever you feel comfortable talking about in your first session. It is important that we work at a speed that feels safe and manageable for you; I do not need to know everything about you in order for the session to be helpful.

How many sessions will I need?

Each session lasts 50 minutes, and you can attend for as many or few as you feel necessary. I will check in regularly with you about how you feel the work is going, and when you feel ready to stop attending then we can either finish working together or pause the therapy until you want to restart. Some people might attend therapy for months or years; others might feel that a shorter course of sessions meets their needs at that moment in time. The decision to continue, pause, or end your work is ultimately always yours and is something that we will discuss together whenever you would like. It is usually a good idea to share your feeling that you would like to end or pause therapy, rather than just to stop attending.

Why do I feel nervous about starting therapy?

The honest answer to this question is we may not know why, but rest assured that it is very normal to feel nervous when embarking on a new therapy experience, especially if it is the first time you have spoken about the issues that are on your mind. I am here to support you through the process and if you feel you need to talk about your nerves, that’s fine too.

What if I don’t know what to talk about or where to start?

You are not alone in this; many people worry about how to start a therapy session. As your therapist it is my job to help you feel comfortable and find a way in; we might start simply by looking at how you’re feeling right now, for example. For some people, it feels important to use the first session(s) to offload what’s on their mind; you never need worry that you are talking too much, as it is my job to listen to you and to help you find your way through what is troubling you. As we continue to work together, you might want to think during the week about what you want to bring to therapy; some people like to use a journal to prompt their memory, but this is absolutely up to you.

How can I get the most out of therapy?

Getting the most out of your sessions requires you, in the first place, to turn up to every scheduled session – even if that feels difficult, or you feel that you don’t want to that day. Secondly, be as honest as you can. It is when we allow ourselves to be open and honest in therapy – and with ourselves – that things gradually start to change. This openness can extend to talking about the therapy process, our relationship and anything that might feel uncomfortable or unwanted in the work.

Will I receive advice in my therapy sessions?

I will listen to your story and to all of the questions you have, and hold them safely with you in heart and mind. Over time, as we work together through the issues that are troubling you, or the parts of your life where you feel you need advice, you will start to draw on your own increasing knowledge of yourself to find the answers you feel you need. If there is a specific issue where I feel futher resources or sources of support would be beneficial, I can help you to identify these.

How do I get started?

Contact me by text/call/email to arrange a free 20 minute chat. We can find out a little bit about each other and you can ask any questions you may have about me or the process of working together. We'll discuss timings, price, confidentiality etc and then book in our first session at a time that suits you.